# WhenCardinalsFly

# WhenCardinalsFly, they do amazing things! 看看这些故事, 照片, and videos below to learn more about Cardinals who took advantage of UIW's study abroad opportunities!


亚历克西斯 stands next to a bronze statue in the Gangnam district in Seoul 韩国."你好,我是艾尔.! I studied abroad at Korea University in 韩国 my 2023 Fall semester. It was a truly amazing experience, and I want to share some of the highlights with you. Korea is a beautiful country with so much to explore. One of the highlights I’d like to mention is how beautiful the campus is at Korea University. I found myself aimlessly walking around campus just because I enjoyed the environment so much! Beyond the campus, Seoul has so much to offer. I ate plenty of delicious food and discovered cafes, each with their own charm. This experience taught me many things, but I think the biggest one (besides becoming an expert at Korea’s public transportation systems) is gaining a newfound sense of independence. Leaving behind my home, family, and friends was tough. However, I believe it was essential for my growth as a person. And for those worried about feeling alone in a new country, fear not! I met so many wonderful people that were in the same boat as me, and we still keep in touch! If you're considering studying abroad, I wholeheartedly encourage you to seize the opportunity. It's an invaluable experience that UIW provides the chance for—don't miss it! If anyone is interested in studying abroad in Seoul, 韩国, feel free to reach out to me for advice. 我非常乐意帮忙!"

- 亚历克西斯 

Spain: Universitat Abat Oliba CEU

mariajose"Going to Barcelona was the best experience of my life. It was a bit scary at first—going to a different country and being away from family—but it was totally worth it. I made new friends at my university and at my dorm, who are now like family to me. I traveled to Madrid, Toulouse, Lourdes, Amsterdam and Girona, which were all fun places to visit. I feel like being abroad made me grow as a person, overcome challenges and enjoy every single moment."


埃及: The American University in Cairo

“嘿,, my name is Sandra and this past spring semester I took a flight to an epic adventure across the other side of the world to one of the oldest seven wonders of the ancient world, 埃及! A once in a lifetime opportunity it was a must travel destination, I had to go see for myself before graduating from UIW.

Adventure is usually right around the corner from a short one day, a weekend or a week length excursion to travel to other parts of 埃及 and abroad with international exchange students or local 埃及ians organized by student organizations or the international student office. During my time I traveled to the 埃及ian Museum, 大金字塔, 穆罕默德·阿里的清真寺, went Felucca Sailing and on a Nile River Cruise with live entertainment. After that I traveled north to the ancient city of Alexandria near the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea and visited the famous library of Alexandria of the ancient world plus the Montaza Palace. Then I went sand boarding on the Al Fayoum Oasis. After that I spent my spring vacation with local 埃及ians in the town of Dahab, a beautiful tourist area away from the hustle-and-bustle near the coast of the Red Sea.

Yes, I was the first and only student from UIW to travel to 埃及 alone. But I promise I did not do everything by myself, because one of the wonderful things about traveling to somewhere new is making new friends along the way to share it with and leaves time to extend it to more celebratory invitations and in my case I was invited to weddings and family festivities celebrating Ramadan. I really hope to see my friends again will continue to keep in touch!"
