Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Merchandising and Management

媒体与设计学院的室内销售与管理美术学士学位为学生在室内设计业务中追求成功的职业生涯做好了准备. Through the program’s dual emphasis on the creative, environmental and architectural side of interior design, and its organizational management and operations side, 学生毕业时对这个充满活力的行业的许多方面都有了全面的了解.

Why Interior Merchandising and Management?

运营管理和设计销售对室内设计行业至关重要. As innovative and desirable as an interior designer’s work may be, he or she must rely on effective, 流线型和管理良好的组织,以帮助执行和监督他们的愿景. 对趋势和消费者行为有深刻理解的有才华、有创意的营销人员也是展示他们作品的最佳亮点的关键. The same is true of home builders, retail developers, 餐馆老板和任何依赖建筑环境作为消费者体验一部分的企业.

Interior Merchandising and Management Curriculum

BFA室内销售与管理专业是一个严格的123小时课程,将设计和商业教育相结合. BFA课程的前两年与室内设计学士学位课程相同, 确保从事该行业业务方面工作的学生精通其设计, artistry, theory, construction and technical applications. 该计划的最后两年将侧重于学生选择的集中路径的课程.

After the completion of the first year and one-half, 所有室内设计(INTD)和室内销售与管理(INMM)的学生都需要提交一份在INTD和INMM第一年半完成的作品集. Portfolios are reviewed in March/April of their second year. 只有通过作品集审查,学生才能继续攻读BFA室内设计学位或BA室内销售和管理学位(所有四个专业),并继续在本专业学习.


Career readiness is an integral part of the program. As part of the curriculum, 学生将学习两门课程,为他们提供直接的工作经验.

  • INTD 4361: Work Experience for Interior Design, 学生通过与他们的专注和兴趣领域直接相关的监督商业环境中批准的工作来协助企业或组织.
  • INTD 4395:专业实践侧重于培养室内设计行业的专业精神. Students will explore its practices and procedures, project management, industry terminology and ethics.

室内设计系的学生将学习和从事当今行业中使用的一些程序. To run them effectively, it is recommended that students use computers with the necessary space, capabilities and operating systems.

Recommend a PC (not Mac) with the following:

  • Intel i7 6700 series or higher
  • 16 GB DDR4 21 32 Ram
  • 512 GB SSD (for Operating System and Programs)
  • 1 TB HDD (for data)
  • Nvidia 1070 graphics card OR AMD Radeon 480
  • Wifi capability


  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • SketchUp
  • AutoCAD
  • Revit
  • Enscape
  • Various Plug Ins for Sketchup and Revit


As part of their degree program, 学生将从以下四个专业中进行选择:工商管理, Marketing, Management and Merchandising. 每个集中从事学生与室内设计的重点在头两年,然后切换到商业重点在剩下的几年. 这个专业是为那些对室内设计领域的商业或零售方面更感兴趣的人准备的. While interior design is an art and a science, 这也是一项必须以适当方式经营的业务,以维持客户和利润. 四种专注的选择让学生可以跟随自己的兴趣, and, with their background in interior design and business, 进入室内设计领域的广泛职位:办公室经理, department managers, merchandisers, sales representatives, specification writers, coordination specialists, and more.

工商管理专业是一个跨学科的项目,整合了H-E-B工商管理学院的课程. 工商管理专业采用广泛的方法进行商业教育和准备, 通过该课程,学生可以通过会计课程熟练掌握商业基础知识, International Business Management, Business Law, Management Theory and Practice, Marketing, and Information Systems. They may also choose from a wide range of elective options.

管理专业是一个跨学科的项目,整合了H-E-B工商管理学院的课程. 管理集中深入到组织的机制,从人员配置到道德商业实践到监督, 为毕业生走上管理岗位的职业道路做好准备. Students can expect to take courses in Management Theory and Practice, Human Resource Management, Business Ethics, Organizational Behavior, and a wide range of elective options in accounting, marketing, promotional strategies and information systems, among others.

市场营销专业是一个跨学科的项目,整合了H-E-B工商管理学院的课程. 市场营销专业是希望从事销售工作的学生的理想选择, promotions, retailing, public relations, and related fields. 本专业的学生通过会计等课程做好了充分的准备, Retailing, Internet Marketing, and Consumer Behavior, as well as a wide range of elective options in management, marketing, promotional strategies and information systems.

商品管理专业是一个跨学科的项目,整合了H-E-B工商管理学院的课程. 商品营销专业整合了对商业基础的广泛理解,并培养了学生的创新技能和创造消费者和受众环境的能力. Students can expect to take courses in Accounting, Management Theory and Practice, and Marketing, 以及零售和时尚运营管理等行业特定课程,以及商业法方面的广泛选修课程, human resources, promotional strategies and information systems, to name a few.


Careers in Interior Merchandising and Management

博鳌亚洲论坛在室内销售和管理方面的职业机会是多种多样的, and include such work as store and department managers/specialists, office managers, model home staging, visual merchandising, specification writers, coordination specialists, company representatives, and business owners.