
国际商科学生, other than international students who attend UIW on a student visa, must engage in a meaningful academic international experience outside the U.S. 作为毕业的条件. 出国留学, 在UIW国际校区学习, short course-based/faculty-led programs integrated into a course for which the student is registered and approved international internships may qualify. Other options for meeting the requirement may be proposed by the student in the semester preceding the experience and will be considered prior to the experience on a case-by-case basis by the student’s advisor.

学生可以选择在 UIW-Strasbourg in Strasbourg, France and/or one of our many 妹妹的学校 分布在40多个国家.


2015年8月起, 国际商科学生, other than international students who attend UIW on a student visa, must engage in a meaningful academic international experience outside the U.S. 作为毕业的条件. 出国留学, 在UIW国际校区学习, short course-based/faculty-led programs integrated into a course for which the student is registered and approved international internships may quality. Other options for meeting the requirement may be proposed by the student in the semester preceding the experience and will be considered prior to the experience on a case-by-case basis by the student’s advisor.

No. If you entered prior to August 2015 are not required to participate in a meaningful academic international experience outside the U.S. 作为毕业的条件; however, you are required to have an international experience per the previous catalogue.

是的. 转学, other than international students who attend UIW on a student visa, who enroll starting Fall 2015 and beyond, who wish to earn a degree in International Business, must engage in a meaningful academic international experience outside the U.S. 作为毕业的条件. 出国留学, 在UIW国际校区学习, short course-based/faculty-led programs integrated into a course for which the student is registered and approved international internships may quality. Other options for meeting the requirement may be proposed by the student in the semester preceding the experience and will be considered prior to the experience on a case-by-case basis by the student’s advisor.

国际商科学生, other than international students who attend UIW on a student visa, must engage in a meaningful academic international experience outside the U.S. 作为毕业的条件. 出国留学, 在UIW国际校区学习, short course-based/faculty-led programs integrated into a course for which the student is registered and approved international internships may qualify. Other options for meeting the requirement may be proposed by the student in the semester preceding the experience and will be considered prior to the experience on a case-by-case basis by the student’s advisor.

Students may participate in specific international programs (i.e., faculty-led and international service mission programs) as early as their Freshman year. Students are eligible to participate in semester long sojourns as early as their Sophomore year.

Students may not participate in their first or last semester at UIW.

Students may take a variety of courses adhering to their degree plan. Please talk to your academic adviser and 出国留学 Coordinator who will help you determine which courses are applicable to your degree plan.

Students are strongly encouraged to start planning as soon as possible. Early planning ensures a successful experience.


国际商务专业 may download their degree plan and checklist via the UIW BBA International Business Concentration webpage.

请注意: Degree plans are intended to be a resource for planning and guiding you in selecting the courses needed to be taken throughout your academic career at UIW. However, degree plans DO NOT replace your academic advisor's advice. 总是讨论你的课程选择, 注册前, with your academic advisor in order to ensure you are taking the appropriate courses needed to graduate on time. 及早计划是必要的.

Students may study abroad a maximum of 30 credit hours.

Financial responsibilities vary depending on the program. 例如, faculty-led programs may charge one comprehensive price, -机票, 国际健康保险, 及其他相关费用. Please visit with your faculty leader to discuss the cost of your faculty-led program.

For independent straight exchange study abroad programs, students will be responsible for UIW tuition, 住房, 机票, 保险及其他相关费用. 请与 出国留学 and Exchange Coordinator to discuss your budget.

是的. 请与 出国留学 金融援助 and Scholarship webpage or speak with the 出国留学 and Exchange Coordinator in order to further discuss available scholarships.

We have made study abroad a required part of our curriculum because we believe it is integral to the International Business degree. We expect every student who chooses this major to do so with the full understanding that study abroad is a requirement for graduation, and we will expect every student to fulfill it.

尽管如此, 我们认识到这点, 在某些情况下, circumstances may arise that could preclude certain students from studying abroad, and we will have a system in place by which they may petition to have the requirement waived.

It bears repeating, however, that we expect every student to make a good-faith attempt. If you know you do not wish to study abroad, or if you have reason to believe from the outset that you will not be able to do so, it may be best for you to consider a major in which international study is not a degree requirement.